Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 29 - October 3

This week, as we move into October already, we'll learn the basic elements of plot while working with the short story "The Most Dangerous Game." We'll write our own stories using plot elements and debate whether or not General Zaroff should be tried for murder.

MONDAY:  Intro to plot elements in a story.  Create your own stories with these elements in class. HW: Make sure you have 165 pages read by Wednesday in your independent reading/free choice book.

TUESDAY:  Finish sharing stories.  Work on "Most Dangerous Notes" including plot elements and theme. HW: Be sure to bring your independent reading/free choice book and logs.  You need 165 pages logged and conferenced by Wednesday, October 1.

WEDNESDAY:  Independent reading -- please have your reading logs ready.  I'll check and make sure you're at a minimum of 165 pages. 

THURSDAY: Prepare for debate: Should General Zaroff be tried for murder?  Begin debate. 

FRIDAY: Read and annotate current event/issue article, discuss, and prepare written response. HW: Ebola paragraph for Monday. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 22 - 26

Hope you've had a good weekend! Here is our agenda for the week:

MONDAY: Review song theme art work.  Review "16-year-olds Driving" outlines as a class, and then in groups of 2.  Choose between "16-year-olds Driving" and "Obama's Plan to Attack ISIS" and write out the essay for Friday.  HW:  Write out essay in full sentences for Friday.

TUESDAY: Go over essay that's due Friday. "Most Dangerous Game" short story audio while reading.  HW: Finish reading the rest of "The Most Dangerous Game" for Monday.  Bring your independent reading book and logs for Wednesday.

WEDNESDAY: Bring your independent reading book.  Minimum 165 pages logged and conferenced by next Wednesday, October 1.  You can opt to take another punctuation test on this day to replace the first score.


FRIDAY:  Current events day.  Read and annotate article.  Discuss/debate.  Vocabulary activity.  DUE: Essay written out in sentences turned in with outline.  HW:  Finish reading "The Most Dangerous Game" for Monday if you haven't already, continue reading your independent reading book.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 15 - 19

This week we'll go from outline to argument (persuasive) essay, have a quiz on the vocabulary and punctuation we've been going over, and also work on determining theme.

MONDAY: Check for outline in response to Obama's plan to attack ISIS (from article we read and discussed Friday).  Read The Sniper and determine theme. Due: Outline.  HW: Finish reading The Sniper.

TUESDAY:  CHANGE OF PLANS DUE TO HEAT IN CLASSROOM - Finding textual evidence (quotes) and citing examples that prove the theme of The Sniper.   Read the short story "Cranes" outside in the shade as a class. 

WEDNESDAY: Punctuation and Every Day vocab quiz.  Silent, sustained reading.  Please bring your independent reading books and logs.  You should have 165 pages read by October 1.  If you're finished with a book or want to abandon it, please bring it for a book conference so you can get credit for the pages.

THURSDAY:  Compare "The Sniper" Notes, add "context" and "significance" to notes, and turn in.  Begin Song Theme activity -- choose one of your favorite songs.  Then, on a piece of construction paper, include the following:  Your name, Song Name, Artist, Subject of Song, Theme of Song (the general statement the artist is making about life), a quote from the song, and a visual of your choice . HW: Finish Song Theme page for Monday.

FRIDAY: Current event/current issue day.  Read an article and annotate it.  Discuss and debate with the class, then create an outline with your response.  Write out essay.  HW: Outline due on Monday, essay due on Tuesday in class.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 8 - 12

Welcome to week four already! Below is the agenda:

MONDAY:  Punctuation lesson and practice.  Due: Universal Outline for Abercrombie and Fitch's "look policy."

TUESDAY:  (shorter day due to Back to School Night).  Vocabulary practice and review.

WEDNESDAY: Silent sustained reading and book conferences.  Whiparound exercise at the end of class. Due: Bring independent reading book and logs.

THURSDAY:  Review vocabulary words for test, punctuation exercises. 

FRIDAY:  Current event/issue discussion.  Bring completed outline in response to President Obama's plan to launch airstrikes against ISIS for Monday. HW: Completed outline for Monday. Study for quiz on Tuesday covering commas, quotes, end punctuation and Every Day vocabulary words.

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 2 - 5

I hope everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend.  I got a chance to read your "Day in the Life" papers, and I appreciated all of the creativity and effort that many of you put into them.

This short week, we'll work on our annotation skills -- how to make notes on a text you're reading to help uncover an author's purpose and main ideas.  We'll continue to work on our writing skills by focusing on outlining, using the "universal outline" tool.

TUESDAY:  Peer review of universal outlines, fine-tuning and then turning in.  Annotation work on short article. Due: Universal outline response in phrases about spying on teen article, Final Tweet, Hip hop article vocabulary worksheet.  HW: finish annotation work.

WEDNESDAY:  Silent, sustained reading of your independent reading book with "whiparound" exercise. 

THURSDAY:  Introduction to theme, theme vs. subject exercises as a whole class and in groups. 

FRIDAY:  Current events/issue in an article.  Universal outline response in class. HW: Finish universal outline for Monday.